Depending on your interest, visits to the national parks can be awe-inspiring especially during the cool season during November – Febuary when trekkers are rewarded with a view of thick mist. However, if you prefer having stopovers at waterfalls, this is only possible during the rainy season of July-October when the falls are at their most intimidating. There is no bad time to hike or camp even if it’s during the rainy season or the dry season, this is because exhaustion from jungle treks is minimal due to the dense foliage from the tropical rain forests that keep temperatures within parks a cool 30 degrees Celsius and below. However, hiking and camping during the rainy season can be dangerous as areas with waterfalls are susceptible to sudden water swells that pour down the falls. All national parks do have a warning system of sirens and flashing lights to warn hikers and swimmers of this. These warning MUST be heeded and should not be taken lightly as these research on what to do and where. Another great website that must be visited is http://www.umphanghill.com/; where Umphang National Park’s various sights and activities are listed. Other private sector websites worth visiting are http://www.lisulodge.com , www.thaiecotours.com and http://www.wildwatchthailand.com/